
Understanding The World Of Manufacturing: ODM, OEM And OBM

  • Posted by Surya Abadi Dutaindo
  • On 4 Juli 2023
Original equipment parts (OEM) parts are components used on or in a vehicle that come from the original equipment manufacturer. Understanding the difference between OEM parts and aftermarket parts can help you determine what you want to use when your vehicle needs a repair or a replacement. OEM hardware and software is packaged for distribution […]

What is EBITDA Formula, Definition and Explanation

  • Posted by Surya Abadi Dutaindo
  • On 14 Desember 2022
There are multiple metrics available to analyze the profitability of a company. Although different, both EBIT and EBITDA are critical in estimating essential analysis tools. Both are not GAAP-approved metrics and don’t appear in an income or cash flow statement. But accountants will often use them to determine a business’ overall financial standing. For example, if interest […]

April 30 deadline looms for student loan forgiveness Los Angeles Times

  • Posted by Surya Abadi Dutaindo
  • On 6 Desember 2022
For a family of four, these Economic Impact Payments provided up to $3,400 of direct financial relief. The CAA, 2021 made even more changes, including the creation of two tiers of PPP loans, First Draw and Second Draw. Passage of the PPP Extension Act gives applicants until May 31, 2021, to apply for a PPP […]

Right on the Money: New program helping students find loan relief

  • Posted by Surya Abadi Dutaindo
  • On 6 Desember 2022
Beginning with the passage of the PPP Flexibility Act of 2020, you had to use at least 60% of your PPP loan proceeds on “payroll costs” as defined in the CARES Act. Keep in mind that, with similar limits, previous advances averaged just $3,459 in 2020 and forgivable loans averaged only $100,729. The new programs […]

How to Use QuickBooks for Your Auto Repair Shop

  • Posted by Surya Abadi Dutaindo
  • On 31 Oktober 2022
That said, you can use this if you plan to track the overall costs it takes you to complete the product or render the service. For those folks in Florida with a auto repair shop I have attached a copy of our invoice template we use that has been approved / recognized by the State […]

Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio Formula Analysis Example

  • Posted by Surya Abadi Dutaindo
  • On 10 Oktober 2022
The accounts receivable turnover ratio calculates how effectively a company collects accounts receivable (the money a customer owes the company). Another name for accounts receivable turnover ratio is debtors turnover ratio. Once you have calculated the RTR, it is essential to know how to interpret its meaning. A higher ratio indicates that a company efficiently […]

Landscaping Business Software Lawn Care Business Software

  • Posted by Surya Abadi Dutaindo
  • On 19 September 2022
When your business is financially stable, you can concentrate on growing your team and delivering great customer service. Happy clients are more likely to become repeat customers and help expand your network through referrals. Professional help managing your books lets you focus on delivering better services and results to your clients. Whether you choose to […]

Tax Audit 101 What You Need to Know About IRS Audits

  • Posted by Surya Abadi Dutaindo
  • On 27 Mei 2022
They can help improve your chances of receiving an Offer in Compromise settlement, get Penalty Abatement Relief or set up an Installment Agreement with the IRS. In the event that your audit reconsideration is rejected by the IRS, it may be possible to arrange an alternative settlement, such as an Offer in Compromise or a […]

What Is the Difference Between a Sales Return & a Sales Allowance? Chron com

  • Posted by Surya Abadi Dutaindo
  • On 16 Mei 2022
Return on sales is extremely similar except the numerator is usually written as earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) while the denominator is still net sales. Most companies allow consumers to return a product if it is found to be defective. Oftentimes a customer may agree to keep a defective product if a partial refund is applied […]
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